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You have been picked for the AdSymetrix
beta test. It's like winning the lottery on a mini scale.

What is your name?*

This is going to be kept private.


What would you like your username and password to be?*

This is going to be kept private.


Where are you located?*

Actually, where is your business located.


Is your advertising how you get new customers?*

Do you rely on your ads to make your phone ring?

Do you have a one or a few ads we can track for you?*

Right away is best and short run stuff is better. Think newspaper, direct mail..stuff like that.

Would you be willing to take a survey after the test?*

We REALLY want to know what you think.

How do you currently track your advertising effectiveness?*

Is everything all over the place in a big mess or are you organized? How do you do it?

How much do you spend on advertising a month?*

all your advertising put together...

How many different places do you advertise?*

we mean how many all together, on average.